24 Aug 2014

fashion flashback _ rifat ozbek

i kinda really liked rifat ozbek back then in the early nineties.

i really can't tell or remember why.
i guess he made once that fashion show with
all-white clothes and silver sequined fanny-packs.
and a black model carrying a beautiful black baby.
hope i'm not mistaken here
(and i hope it was not dolce e gabbana).
i still remember the baby's face. :)
back then it was still okay to carry little babies
on the runway. so many did. or is it still so?

anyways, these lovely ads are from a bit earlier,
from 1987 or '88. naomi was shot by
steven meisel.

i don't know the time rifat ozbek (or, actually özbek,
the turkish language has a lot of ös) gave up his
own label, but later he went on to design clothes for pollini,
and now he apparently make these pillows.

pics via resurrectionvintage and googled.

if you also liked the '80s and '90s, do check out


  1. Wow, that's going back some years. Love that middle ad featuring a very young Naomi Campbell too!x

  2. Thanks, Helen! Yeah, that one is very nice, too... I actually love all of them. :)


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