5 Nov 2012

THINGS _ pairings, fashion

mila :)

bag :)

guy :)

bag :)

unknowns authors, all pics from lifeonsundays.

(update: thanks to visitor brighid and google, i managed to find some sources.
there you go:
mila was photographed by michael thompson for w september 1996,
you can get the bag at basil racuk,
the guy is wouter peelen at spin,
last pic is analia saban's bag with canvas no.2, 2011.)

(i actually do blame tumblr, flickr, pinterest and even facebook
for all those unidentifiable images that are floating around...
i'm quite sure many files do have a decent name as they enter the
world of these megaservers... but they all totally disrupt file names
and in the end all you can decipher is that the image is from
some tumblr... a pity.)


csak két képpárocska... :)

habár muszáj elmondanom, mennyire kiakasztónak találom,
hogy a tumblr, a flickr, a pinterest, sőt még a facebook, is
teljesen szétcseszi a, feltételezem, eredetileg normális,
leíró, jó esetben kreditáló fájlneveket, hogy aztán a végén
egy-egy beazonosít(hat)atlan képről csak annyi
derülhessen ki, hogy valami tumblr-ről származik.
nagyon sajnálatos.


  1. wonderful mila, beautiful bag, a too perfect guy and a lovely bag again.. :) /tine

    1. :D :D this made me smile out loud, Tine. :)


  2. Have you tried Google Image Search? I've often found the original source using this. It takes a bit of time to look through the results, but not as long as trying to find the source on Tumblr, Pinterest and similar (which _really_ is a great way of wasting time)!

    1. thanks for the tip! yes, yes, i do that quite often, especially if something is clearly the work of an artist... when it comes to "regular tumblr images" i don't always do that... on one hand i found that those are harder to track back and on the other hand it takes a lot more time that i'm a little unwilling to spend, especially when i post say 10 of those pics at a time...

      but anyways, thank you very much for the helpful tip!!!


    2. Criticizing the spread of unsourced images, and admitting to unwillingness to spend the time to find image credits in the same breath, as you contribute to the wider spread of unsourced images.


      It's not that hard.

      I like the images you find and repost; that's why I subscribe. But don't complain about the problem while you contribute to it.

    3. Thanks, Brighid! You are right, and thanks for this bookmarklet... it takes all the hassle out of using Google img srch... i didn't know about it, and it'll make my job all the more easier.

      On the other hand tho... while i don't want to defend myself, i also think that there are images that are good enough for appreciation, just to look at, on their own (without wanting to know who made it or where i can buy it)... if i make something that other people like, i don't mind for a sec if they'll never know that i made that thing... i just made it, it's out there... i might be proud of it but that's not the point...

      I also know that many artists/photographers etc. like to have all of their children properly named after themselves... all i wanna do is respect their viewpoint when i credit an image... otherwise i normally just look at an image and feel... feel the image, not the maker...

      what i most "hate" about tumblr and the likes is that they take these images and make them their own...


  3. The "carrier bag" piece reminds me of a set o paintings my sister did...

    -Excellent blog, by the way. Keep the fantastic work!!! :)

    1. Thanks, very much, Ines! Yes, it is similar! :)



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