17 Oct 2012

editorial love _ private moments

there's quite an interesting mood to this editorial.
a bit even hitchcockian maybe.
(haven't watched a hitchcock since i was a kid...)

anyways, i'd love to lounge around on that sofa
whilst still in my pajamas... and sipping coffee maybe.

saara sihvonen photograohed by daniel riera
for the editorial "private moments"
in velvet magazine's september 2012 issue.

see the whole editorial here at mode.newslicious.

daniel riera previously here.


igen érdekes hangulata van ennek az editorialnak...
talán kicsit hitchcocki is (habár az is igaz, hogy
gyerekkoromban láttam utoljára hitchcockot...)

mindenesetre szívesen ellébecolnék azon a süllyesztett
szófán pizsiben, kávéval a kezemben...
mindig is vágytam egy ilyen süllyesztett
szófára... nem ennyire elegánsra, de ilyesmire...

linkek fent.


  1. Its the soft muted cool tones that I like... And that dress with the fur detail is just gorgeous too! :)x

  2. Great photos. I think Hitchcock was amazing, genius . Thanks for sharing.

  3. great post-amazing pics


your comments are very welcome. i'd like to hear from you. :)