24 Jul 2012

a necklace that i like

i have long been in love with the idea
of making necklaces of textile chain.

proof is this old post back in 2010.

i even made one for my diploma work
but in the end i didn't include it because
it didn't turn out that good... i should have
made another one but i didn't have the time for that.

okay... so it's just no wonder that i like
this thing, a so-called
chain scarf by artist jim drain, very much.

i wouldn't be afraid to pair this piece with an equally strongly
visual garment, like something with really bold print!
floral or otherwise.

via here.

also, i think it's a great diy idea, too.


már jó régóta játszom a gondolattal,
hogy csinálni kellene egy textil-lánc

bizonyíték erre ez a régi poszt még 2010-ből.

sőt, valójában már csináltam is egy textil-lánc
nyakláncot úgy másfél éve a diplomamunkámhoz,
csak nem sikerült olyan jól, újat készíteni pedig
már nem volt időm, így nem tettem bele.

no mindegy... szóval, nem csoda, hogy
nagyon tetszik nekem ez a csuda egy nyaklánc,
amelyet lánc-sálnak nevez az ötletgazdája, 
jim drain művész.

én nem haboznék ezt valami vizuálisan hasonlóan
erőteljes dologgal párosítani... valami
nagyon mintás dologra gondolok,
legyen az virágos vagy bármi más.

jó kis kézimunkaötlet ez szerintem.


  1. Hi Agnes :)
    I like this kind of necklace too, but maybe with smaller chains though. Cool to try a DIY :) I love the idea of of a necklace with crochet chains too! (but I have no idea about crochet technique :(

    1. Hi, Florence! :) :) Yes, I agree... i would make it with smaller chains, too...
      I really love ths similar crocheted ones, too... Actually, crocheting is really easy, it's worth to give it a try! :)


  2. This is absolutely AMAZING!! One of the coolest things i have seen online for a very long time..

    (I think the smaller the chains the harder it will be to make so good luck with that!)

    Mwah x love your blog so much Agnes xxxx

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Erin!
      I love your blog, too, and your humour as well!


      p.s.: yeah, it might get harder with smaller chains... not to mention that then you have to make more of them... :P


your comments are very welcome. i'd like to hear from you. :)