28 Apr 2012

at home with the niemanns

the beuys bathroom

the brillo shower

the kids' bathroom

illustrator christoph niemann is one witty and hilarious guy
with a matchingly hilarious blog at the new york times that
i'm sure you all know but definitely should if you don't yet.

you know, he's the one who legoed n.y.

he now lives with his wife and kids in berlin.

i love their space a lot. you gotta read the story
behind the bathrooms to really appreciate them.

even more  pics of their space here the selby.


christoph niemann egy amerikai illusztrátor, aki
most berlinben él a családjával.

ő az, aki lelegózta new yorkot.
nagyon szeretem a blogját.

és nagyon tetszik a hely ahol élnek.
a fürdőszobák nem a kedvenceim, de én már
olvastam a sztorijukat, még mielőtt ezeket a képeket láttam volna,
és annak fényében nagy aha!-élményben volt részem.

még több kép itt, todd selby blogján.


  1. I've just discovered your blog, and it is pretty spectacular. <3 I kept wondering why the name seemed familiar and then I realized it's because you link me and sometimes if I look at my blog stats I see traffic coming in from your blog.

    Hope you're well. <3

    1. Thank you so much, Susanna-Cole! :) :) yeah i got you on my link list... it's good if you get some traffic from me, i really like your aesthetics.


  2. I love these photos. Beautiful.


your comments are very welcome. i'd like to hear from you. :)