29 Mar 2012

i like the idea _ hand knitted covers for squarish poufs

i absolutely love these little poufs
with their hand-knitted orange covers.
they'd make a comfy place for reading or double as
seatings for invited friends.

seems like an easy diy.

for living etc. magazine.


imádnivalóak ezek a kis puffok
a kézzel kötött narancs huzatukkal!
jó kis olvasóhelyet biztosíthatnak a lécsőn,
vagy ülőhelyet a partivengégeknek.

és szerintem mi magunk is könnyedén elkészíthetjük.


  1. hmm.. love this too Agnes, big needles and thick wool in different happy colors! a nice idea!


  2. Pretty, pretty little ting :)


your comments are very welcome. i'd like to hear from you. :)