11 Jan 2012

remember the time _ we used to play

so damn cute are these vintage lego ads from the years 1980 thru 1982.
we used to love lego. we had a lot. and i guess we mostly had these
universal sets... but we had some fabuland, too...

scans from moose greebles flickr (slightly retouched by me), now, that guy is a lego fanatic.

found through cmybacon.

never stop playing.

click images for a closer look.


imádtunk legózni. egy nagy négyszögletes műanyaglavórban voltak a legóink.
aztán azt persze mind kiöntöttük a földre.
nagyon tetszenek ezek a régi lego hirdetések, és pont abból az időből származnak,
amikor és fiatalka voltam, 1980-82-ből.
igaz, nekem farmerem nem volt gyerekkoromban, de az tuti,
hogy mi is ilyen pofát vágtunk legózás közben.

kérek egy zöld négyest. :)

a képek moose greebles flickr-járól származnak.


  1. ahaahha, this is so great. I still keep those lego sets, or what it's left of it :) I tend never to grow up :)

  2. :) :) :) hopefully i won't either. :)


  3. great posters!! the freedom to create is sooo important for kids :) xoxo

  4. Love Lego - and the pictures are great - reminds me of me when I was young living in the land of Lego

  5. Hello my friend,

    Oh yes, I love love love lego! We used to play all of the time—we had universal sets, but I also had a malibu house set, complete with a pool! I still remember having so much fun, all afternoon long. Thank you for the memory :)

    Wishing you a lovely Thursday.


  6. Logo was fun!!! And have you seen a "poster" saiyig "I hope you step on a lego brick, barefoot..." oh it can hurt so much:P

  7. :) :) :) Kamila, i haven't seen it... but it's hilarious! yeah, it can hurt so much! :D


your comments are very welcome. i'd like to hear from you. :)