14 Aug 2011

a matter of choice

i love'em both.
(sometimes i even think there's something wrong
with me for liking so many different things...)


  1. What a nice surprise. I didn't even think you "read" it :)
    Do you visit the design traveller?

  2. :) :) i visit them both (on and off, but i do)... i only recently discovered your "labyrinth"... when i saw you didn't refresh design traveller for many months (or so), i thought you disappeared or you were too busy with other things, but then i found you in the labyrinth... :P it's also good that you post more regularly on design traveller again! :)


  3. The leading role they have in these spaces is amazing, a statement of uniqueness and beauty.

  4. :) agree, Christel... i also like the difference in the rest of the choices... art, lamps, textures...


  5. I was away for quite a while, travelling, working... but I'm back :)
    The design labyrinth is just my private directory of interior design ideas I could use in the future. I hope ;)

  6. oh, i see... good to have you back. :)
    well, that's a good idea... to have this kind of an ideas collection :)

  7. Does your blog help you developing somehow?
    iiinspired is a great read, one of my very favourite blogs... to be honest. It may sound like a bad cliche people write in their comments, but I really mean it.

  8. Thanks, Anna. :) :)
    to be honest, i don't really know... because sometimes i think it's just a distraction from other things i should do... but i love it, so i hope it'll lead to something good... only, i'd love to find a healthy balance between real-life, hands-on things and the virtual world. but of course "meeting" really great people and inspiring others is a great thing and well worth the time and energy.
    what about you? does it help you develop as a person or as a designer? (ooops, i don't even know what kind of a designer you are. :P)


  9. It's true, a blog can be really dreadful distraction from reality. I strive for healty balance as well.
    To my surprise... I discovered blogging really helped me to define my "style"... decide what kind of things I would like to work with, what kind of tings to create. I started to incorporate some of the ideas in real life, for example while choosing wardrobe doors at ikea ;)
    I'm an interior/graphic/everything else/all over the place designer ;)

  10. wow, how good for you... to be honest, i didn't manage to narrow down my "style" thru blogging, i still think i like everything and its opposite, too. (as demonstrated by the above images.) so, many times i think i just have no "style", but then again, i guess i do have some kind of style, only, it's definitely very broad. :P
    that sounds good! and now you'll add jewelry designer, too. :) i'd love to know more about interior design, too, but maybe later.


your comments are very welcome. i'd like to hear from you. :)