4 Aug 2011

fragile fairies

hiding in the cloud of a fausto sarli bolero.

some fairies in roccobarocco couture.

fausto sarli.

gattiononi couture.



roccobarocco couture.

chanel haute couture.
this chanel dress has been a favorite of mine.
that embroidered tree is exquisite. it's a wonder.
i'm sure it's made by lesage.

all images from the alta moda (couture) supplement of
vogue italia september 1997.
models audrey marnay plus an other girl whom i don't know.
photos by satoshi saikusa.
scanned by me.
some of the images are cropped.

i think a little disclaimer is also needed here:
i'm well aware that these girls are overly frail.
i just want to let you know that i couldn't be further
from advocating skinniness or starving your body.
the sole reason for my sharing these is
that i personally find them inspiring (visually and designwise).
please look at them as fairies.


  1. Such a beautiful editorial! Thank you for sharing.

  2. The dress is indeed stunning. THe model next to Audrey is Bridget Hall, she was popular in the nineties.

    x E.

  3. C. Thank you!

    E. I'm glad you like it, too. :) Yes, the girl looks a little like Bridget but it's not her... she must be some Russian on Eastern-European girl. But thanks, anyway, really. :)


  4. Oh god, I must be getting old! :-))


your comments are very welcome. i'd like to hear from you. :)