9 Jan 2011

oh, what a place!

when i first saw these images, i only could see the amazing graphic quality of the photos... i only looked at them as pics, not as a home... but this is not very far from how i see it now. and i think these pics demonstrate so well, how your home can be a work of art with spots and blocks of color and juxtaposing various surfaces, clean and busy, light and dark, matte and shiny, new and old... quite amazing, i guess.

also, the facade looks to me as if it was some old painting that we deciced to paint black and start anew in a whole new manner, but it's obvious that there was another one underneath.

some fifteen years ago i spent 6 weeks in the  netherlands, and it always takes me by surprise how the dutch manage to live without curtains... i've always been very curious, so i looked into every dutch house i passed by. :D this house above has a little garden on the roof, and a very little house, that looks like a winter garden, but is in actual fact the bathroom.

the house, called the black pearl studio is home and studio to rolf at "studio rolf.fr", a guy who makes furniture (like the chairs in his home) and other objects... i guess that the place is mostly his own design work with the facade designed by utrecht based "zecc architects."

some of the images are from this article (along with hi-res images) about the project at arthitectural.

but where i first saw this place was at dark matter, a very new blog that i think is well worth checking out.


(the horizontal images are a lot bigger, click them for a closer look)



  1. Wow! Thanks, Lisa! :) :)


  2. nagyon nagyon tetszik!!! (az gáz, hogy először az jutott róla eszembe, hogy részegen mindenhonnan leesnék? :D :D)
    nekem tetszik hogy nincsenek függönyök, ez a skandinávokra is jellemző, én sem szeretem. xx

  3. :D :D :D (sztem nem gáz. :D)
    örülök, hogy tetszik! nekem is tetszik a függönytelenség, de nem bírnám... igen-igen, a skandinávoknak sincs takargatnivalójuk, Dániában is ugyenezt tapasztaltam... érdekes amúgy, hogy Dánia és Holandia milyen sok mindenben hasonlítanak egymásra... a millió bicikli, no függöny, sok jó design...


  4. simply genius, what a bold approach to fasade design! I love it :)

  5. :) :) yep! i'm glad you like it!

  6. I saw alredy this project somewhere else, but is pleasure to see such great work even every day:)
    I like Dutch design and i feel very confortable in Holland.

  7. :) :) i like Holland, too. :)

  8. Thank you, very much, Lena! :) :)

  9. omg you just always find the most amazing houses of the world. I think there is no other solution than following you so that I don't miss any of those upcoming ones.
    yours annka from

    Ps: Eventhough I'm a dancer I admire other dancers for their even harder work :D I admire all those ballett dancers practising a dozen times more than I do, just can't imagine how they squeeze all their live into that practise time table. yours annka

  10. Great home!! I love the black color for outside, so modern! The interior is wonderful.
    And congrats for the blogger award from FrenchbyDesign :))

  11. Annka _ thanks, i'm very glad you like it! :) you are welcome as a follower, if you wish. :)
    As for ballet dancers, yes the are amazing, fanatic, even.. there's much to be learned from them in terms of hard work, i'm sure. xoxo

    Bubbles _ i'm glad you like it, too. :) thanks for the congrats, and of course, congratulations to you as well!!! i've seen you on the list, and you well deserve it! hugs!!



your comments are very welcome. i'd like to hear from you. :)