5 Jul 2010

beautiful, but is this okay?

10-year-old actress kiernan shipka modeling burberry prorsum for the latest interview magazine


  1. I see this as a trend. almost like 'children as adults' in fashion. (clothes, etc.) I think the particular ad is okay. It's beautiful and I don't feel it is suggestive in any way.

  2. Yeah, I think you're right. I don't think either that there's much wrong with this one. It's just that I find it odd that a ten-year-old is clad in adult clothing. (But then I myself could be justly critisized about dressing like a tween at the age of whatever I am. :P)
    What I also think is that the overall effect of such editorials could be that children will start acting like adults. But I don't think this is a serious situation as yet.

  3. Sorry but this is well sad...so who are the designers aiming this stuff at?
    What next over the hill at 15?
    Sorry no ! for me this says no go
    I want my children to have a childhood
    not be dress aware at 10 no no no .
    Justify it as much as you like, these outfits would look so much better 8 years on... this makes me so sad x

  4. Sea Angels,
    thanks for your comment!
    Yes, this whole thing raises a few questions. Would I have a child, I sure would want him/her be a child and not care about clothing brands until well over 10 (if ever). So hopefully this won't go into the hands of ten-year-olds and won't play a part in winning them over to consumerism. With this in mind, I still find these pics nice, but quite odd, and not necessarily right.

  5. I agree with Sea Angels. I have a 7&/2 year old girl and I'm already struggling trying to keep her in "girls" clothes. I hate to see young children dressed up as mini adults - babies in leather jackets and kickers, etc. Children grow up far too quickly these days.

  6. Hey, Deborah, thanks for your remark. Yeah, I see your point, and agree. I cannot talk from the viewpoint of a mother tho. But remembering my own childhood, I can say that I was kind of kept away from unnecessary consuming and growing up too fast (well, that was also part of being raised in socialist-era Hungary). I had my first pair of jeans at 15, and at least half of our clothes were sewn by our mother from German magazine Burda (and from the age of about eleven I made myself clothes, too). And of course I'm perfectly happy with this and even feel fortunate that it so happened.
    I guess you're right that today's children grow up too fast. Take 11-12-13-year-old fashion bloggers as an example. But I'm rather sure that individual families can do a lot to counteract this if they want to. And there are businesses, too that sell natural, comfortable cothing in a really stylish way. VDJ for example... I might post a few pict about those, cause I really like those clothes. And I think small magazine, too, is advocating clothes in which children look like children.
    Again, thank you so much for your comment!

  7. :):):) yes, those stuff are pretty nice!

  8. Alapvetően nemet mondanék. De ha színészkedik, akkor eléggé eltökélte, hogy a magánéletét feláldozza. És ezzel a testét is egy kicsit. De az a baj, hogy nekem ez majdhogynem gyermekpornográfia. Szóval nem oké.

  9. köszönöm a hozzászólást, Berta! Igen szerintem sem sem túl oké ez, és sajnos úgy gondolom, hogy ezen kívül még elég sok más olyan visszás dolog jelenik meg a divatlapok oldalain, amelyek egyszerre nagyon esztétikusak, de ami az etikusságukat illeti, valahogy mégsem okék (rasszizmus, szex, perverzió, hűtlenség, agresszió, depresszió, drogok, stb). Ez nem tudom mennyire jó vagy rossz. Nem szeretnék egy olyan agyoncenzúrázott világban élni, ahol csak szép és jó jelenhet meg, de valahogy ez a mostani helyzet sem az igazi, mert érzem, hogy pl. az ilyen divatanyagok az én világképemet is alakítják anélkül, hogy ennek igazán tudatában lennék.


your comments are very welcome. i'd like to hear from you. :)