8 Jan 2012

i like the idea _ tapestry necklaces

i'm very much into the idea of these lovely tapestry necklaces.
they look like tiny kilims.
to be honest, i'm not that keen about the glass and metal beads
the artist uses to combine them with, but thee are not bad either.
i don't know what i would use... maybe i'll leave them on their own.
but maybe they really have to be weighted down a bit...
how about vintage silver then?

anyways, they are made by kata trom, a hungarian interior designer (english site).


most találtam ezeket a kis nyakba akasztható szőnyegcsodákat.
nekem nagyon tetszenek.
asszem, nem ezekkel az üveggyöngyökkel kombinálnám őket,
de tetszenek így is. nagyon odavagyok a szövött nyakláncért mint ötletért.

egy számomra eddig ismeretlen lakberendező
(no, nem mintha ismernék egyet is... :P),
 trom kata szövögeti ezeket.
azt sajnos nem tudom, hogy árulja-e a műveit,
de van telefonszám az oldalán.
nekem tetszenek a lakberendezési munkái is,
amelyeket itt tudtok megnézni, ha rákattintotok 


  1. I just bought somethign similar at the flea market this morning! What a coincidence!
    yours annka from danseusedelamode.blogspot.com (yes, I'm back) :)

  2. these necklaces are beautiful, I like their vintage look :) xoxo

  3. Glad you're back, Annka! :)

    Florence, yeah the do have that vintagey feel, i didn't realize it... i like that, too.


  4. oh my gosh these are insane i actually love them! I so want some!
    Definatly got a vintage feel about them and the details make them all so special :) <3

  5. Love these, but i agree that maybe something else could be used to add the neccessary weight... maybe minimal flat brass charms? just little pieces that catch the light but don't detract from the beauty.

  6. Thanks for you nice comments, ladies! :) :)


your comments are very welcome. i'd like to hear from you. :)