16 Mar 2015

photography _ looking at and through glass

definitely one of my favorite photographers.

i love these kinds of very, very delicate
experiments of his.

it's so beautiful how the edges of the glass panes
draw lines, light or dark, depending on which
direction they get the light from. and i just
love the way valéry plays with
light and shadow too.

do visit his blog for even more beauty!

8 Mar 2015

fashion illustrations that i like

i happen to love these ink drawings that
clym evernden made for charlie may's

i might revisit his works later on
because i find them awesome.

check out his portfolio
or follow him on instagram

7 Mar 2015

one piece _ hazy blanket by schneid

beautiful blanket by schneid,
woven to look like a huge ink blot.

one side is more black and the
other side is more white.

via the extraordinary grijs.